Spent time today working on getting my PCMCIA CF Transfer Kit working on the Amiga 1200. Last week I installed the software, formatted the CF card, plugged it in, and NOTHING. I beat my head against it all week and finally this weekend I determined the PCMCIA slot wasn't working at all. I took the Amiga apart and used a flashlight to look inside. Two of the pins were completely bent out of the way. Using a small screwdriver I was able to gently push them back into position. After that it recognized the card, but the formatting was wrong. I had to use a special partition manager to format it for FAT16. Finally, it works. It's been fun working on and learning the Amiga, but it does make me appreciate my Commodore 64 a bit more.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
#Commodore #Amiga Accelerator and Floppy
Meanwhile, I tried using the floppy drive for the first time and it didn't work. After some basic troubleshooting, I found out the eject button is broken. If I manually pull it out when I insert a disk, it engages the floppy and it works like a charm. I will have to dissect the floppy drive when I have time and see if it's just a broken spring. You never know what you're going to run into working on 15+ year old computers!
Here's a pic of the accelerator card:
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
#Commodore #Amiga New 4gb CF Card
Installed a new 4gb CF card into the Amiga today. WHDLOAD was preinstalled and seemed to work well. Of course, most games won't run on an unexpanded 1200 so I will need to wait until I get an accelerator. I did successfully play Arkanoid and Marble Madness. The new CF card also fixed the issue with the hard drive light not working.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
#c64 Denio's Flea Market - Commodore Memories
Monday, July 25, 2011
#c64 Downhill Racing on Skate Or Die
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
#c64 New beta version of ChatteRRbox
In case you haven't heard, this is a fun "chat room" application that utilizes the RR-NET network adapter to connect to the CommodoreServer.com chat rooms. A fun way to stay connected to Commodore friends.
Friday, July 22, 2011
#c64 Mr. Dig and Frantic Freddy
#c64 Wings Of Fury
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
#Commodore #Amiga Amiga To-Do List
1. Format the CF card and install Workbench. It works right now, but seems to be a mess.
2. Download and install WHDLOAD and register.
3. Install accelerator card.
4. Clean keys with Retr0bright.
5. Fix left Amiga key.
6. Acquire PCMCIA CF card reader to transfer files
Way down the road, I would like to get the Amiga on the Internet like I did with my 64.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
#c64 Battletech
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
#c64 ChatteRRbox
#c64 A Commodore 64 Walkabout
Saturday, July 9, 2011
#c64 Magnetron
Friday, July 8, 2011
#c64 Thundercats
#c64 VICE on Mac
#c64 Thrust
Thursday, July 7, 2011
#c64 Victory!
#c64 Lords Of Conquest
Monday, July 4, 2011
#c64 Space Pilot
I was looking through my arcade collection and found a Time Pilot clone called Space Pilot. It was a fun game and pretty faithful to the original.
#c64 Accolade's Hardball!
I was looking for new games to play when I stumbled upon Hardball! I had completely forgotten about this game and haven't played it in over 20 years. It was one of my favorites as a kid. I remember back then thinking, "How could graphics get better than this!?" Ha!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
#c64 Mr. Freeze
I was looking for some games to play this weekend and my Twitter friend @CritAnime suggested Mr. Freeze. I didn't have this one in collection so I got it from Gamebase 64. It's a bit glitchy on my system - probably PAL only game, but it's been fun. On to Chiller, as suggested by @C64_endings.
Friday, July 1, 2011
#c64 Geos on the Chameleon 64
#c64 Pitfall 2
Continuing the cartridge theme, played some Pitfall 2. I don't recall it being such a poor game, but it's not that fun.
Anyone have good cartridge suggestions?